Our winery in Bacharach has been in operation for over 180 years. Peter Jost influenced the business for over 40 years and has consistently continued to improve it. Under his guidance, the winery was accepted into the Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates (Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter/VDP) in the Middle Rhine and Rheingau regions in the mid-1980s.
Today, Cecilia Jost is the seventh generation to run the winery. We are currently cultivating 15 hectares on both sides of the Rhine: on the right bank of the Rhine in the Rheingau and on the left bank of the Rhine in the Middle Rhine Valley around Bacharach.
Viticulture shapes the Middle Rhine Valley. Surrounded by castles and medieval towns, steep vineyards and slate cliffs define the romantic landscape. In the special microclimate, the vines that claw their way into the rocks here produce fine, highly aromatic Rieslings and mineral Pinot Noirs.

Our family has been cultivating vineyards in the Rheingau around Walluf for centuries. 70 years ago, the Wallufer Walkenberg and Martinsthaler Rödchen vineyards came into the possession of the Toni Jost wine estate through marriage and inheritance on the grandmother's side. In the Rheingau, the loess loam soil with a light to distinct Taunus quartzite content characterises the wines and imparts flavour and depth.